Charity Golf Tournament Benefiting Montessori Academy
Join us for a morning of great fun as we help to impact peoples lives! Proceeds raised will help benefit the Montessori Academy!
Every hole will be a prize contest such as: Closest to the pin, Longest drive, Straightest drive, Longest putt and Closest approach for the chance to win prizes like….
Sports Memorabilia!
Golf Foursomes!
Restaurant Gift cards
Much more!
Mission Statement: We will use the principles of Maria Montessori as the foundation of our educational philosophy in a manner which fosters and elicits learning. We will create evolving environments, making each day a productive step in the journey to the ultimate goal: a child who is motivated, independent, and has a love of learning.
Our Methods
To unfold life is the basic task of the educator. Montessori Academy is a prepared environment for children. In Maria Montessoris day it seemed miraculous that children of four and a half should be able to write, and that they should have learned without the feeling of having been taught.
The teachers task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of activities in the environment made for the child. Maria Montessori found that individual activity is the one factor that stimulates and produces development, and that this is not truer for the little ones of preschool age than it is for the junior, senior and middle school children.
We are an "A" rated public charter school. Although we are located in Paradise Valley, we are also a 501(c)3, Title I, school. We celebrate our diversity and are dedicated to bringing a high quality, well-rounded, education to EVERY student that enrolls. We currently have 200 students and are enrolling more each day as the word gets out about our fantastic program and positive educational atmosphere.
To learn more visit: www.montessoriacademyaz.org